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Want to play in College? We can help!
Becoming a Visionary Athlete
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We're glad you're here! (5:54)
Fulfill YOUR vision (3:36)
4 Things to Consider when selecting the right schools to pursue (5:02)
Where you are at now
Step back and recruit yourself (0:40)
How's your skills? (3:57)
Where are you academically? (1:47)
How are your relationships? (2:57)
The key to having peace during this process (3:16)
What to think about when it comes to money (3:14)
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Where you are going
College is a huge adjustment (3:56)
Winning Academically - Putting your best foot forward
Why academics can supercharge your recruiting (3:14)
How to win over the admissions office (6:22)
How to make standardized tests work for you (4:23)
Recruiting Calendars, Resources about Eligibility, and Virtual Campus Tours
Winning Athletically - Life from a coach's view
What a coach is looking at (1:31)
How your physical skills affect a coach's interest (3:47)
Ways to be valuable beyond your skills (3:29)
2 things that every college athlete needs (5:28)
How to "invest in a school" (1:50)
Communicating with Coaches
Thoughts on communicating with coaches (7:55)
Top tips on how to email coaches (9:52)
How to rock out a face to face meeting with a coach (5:19)
How to shoot your skills video and distribute it for maximum impact (7:13)
How to manage social media (3:05)
Ways to stand out at Camps, clinics, and tryouts (6:18)
How to exponentially boost your recruiting exposure (5:08)
Final gameplan...You have the tools, now go execute and win! (3:30)
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